Others weaknesses
Others weaknesses There is a proverb in Pashto that means (Our own weaknesses and faults are like our between the shoulders) Today in our society, we can see that everyone is after other peoples’ faults and weaknesses, but they either don’t s
Good Question
Good Question If a train station is where the train stops and a bus station is where the bus stops, what is a work station?
راليږونکی : فضل امین "امینی" ټليفونشميره: 0700542553,0786863809,0775544616 برېښناليکپته: fazelamin_amini@yahoo.com سرليک: Points To Ponder نېټه: 21.06.2009 14:11 Points to PonderMany people will walk in and out of your life.But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart,To handle yourself, use your head;To handle others, use your heart.
How much we celebrate a win of our team
How much we celebrate a win of our team Let me remind you some moments of joy from yesterday, every one know about the thrilling victory of Afghanistan cricket team in the ICC cricket history, no one believe a team from the ashes will make such disappointing in the cricket league, no body can visualize how brave the Afghans are, they never imagine things they do it in practical with full heed and have no toleranc
HOW STRANGE .................... * A 100-rupee note looks big when taken to a Masjid............. But too small for buying CDs. * A couple of hours spent in a Masjid seem so long.............. But how short while watching a movie. * People go crazy for Cricket one-day series................ But moan when a "KHUTBA" goes longer than the regular time. * Its hard to recite a Verse of the Holy Quran...
Beautiful Day...
Beautiful Day...
Fall in love/ English poem
Fall in love
Love in the hell
په دوزخ کې مينه محب الرحمن محب